Vigora is a generic medication for treatment men erectile dysfunction in all ages and situations.
The main component of Vigora is unchanged, the same as in all inhibitors of previous generation, like Viagra. It is known all over the world as Tadalafil.
Mechanism of working is totally the same – Tadalafil increases flow of blood to the penis and the same way causes erection for some period of time.
Medicine is recommended to be taken in a hour before intercourse and you will get about 4-5 hours of erectile power.
You can find this medication in local pharmacies, hospitals, drug stores, but if only your country does not have a law about restriction of selling such meds.
In the opposite case, you can look for it in the Internet, as it proposes big choice of online pharmacies.
But before taking action and ordering pills, you should better learn basic information about Vigora, to be aware of possible side effects and ways to avoid them.
To save yourself from problems you should better to talk with a doctor and tell him if you have any of these conditions like vision problems, including a rare inherited eye disease called retinitis pigmentosa, heart disease, angina, high or low blood pressure, a history of heart attack, or other heart problems, kidney disease, liver disease, stroke, an unusual or allergic reaction on medicine.
This medicine may also interact with certain drugs for high blood pressure, certain drugs for the treatment of HIV infection or AIDS, certain drugs used for fungal or yeast infections, like fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole, and voriconazole and so on. Give your doctor a list of all the medicines, herbs, non-prescription drugs, or dietary supplements you use. Also tell them if you smoke, drink alcohol, or use illegal drugs. Some items may interact with your medicine.
If you still have an idea to order Vigora, I can say that online pharmacies will be more profitable, because they put lower prices, but do not have problems with quality at the same time.
There you can consult with their pharmaceutist through the online connection or via email, clarify all the information you did not understand or would like to specify for some concrete occasions.
But remember, if you have any disorders or difficulties during taking this medication, do not waste time and immediately go to the real doctor and describe history from the very beginning.
Each thing can be essential!